A Magical Girl’s Day Off! An action-comedy comic series starring Junko, a Magical Girl by occupation who tries her best to avoid doing her job as everything seems to conspire against her to make her save the day!
Updates (On Hiatus)
Wanderfable Hopkins the Frobbit wants nothing more than a life of adventure. One day, his boring daily life weighs on him so much, he steals a boat to escape his lonesome island home and start his journey through the vast fantasy world of Wanderfable!
Updates Every Friday!
Grant Newbold is an Arizona based comic artist and illustrator. He studied at the University of Arizona and received a degree in Visual Communications Illustration. He draws inspiration from both anime and western cartoons along with the adventures (and misadventures) of his life. Along with working on other comic projects, Grant enjoys reading his large collection of comics and manga, watching anime, going swimming, bad-movie nights with friends, and frequenting zoos and aquariums.
Contact: grantnewboldillustration@gmail.com